Anne Owen decided to help a painfully thin Lurcher who arrived on
her Doorstep in 1978, little did she realise it was the beginning of
North Clwyd Animal Rescue. We now care for in excess of 1000 animals
each year and this number is ever growing. The Centre acts as a
rehabilitation unit and a temporary home for mainly dogs, cats,
rabbits and guinea pigs.
There are a large number of unwanted, abused and abandoned animals in
this region and although this is not a unique issue facing this area,
we know that there would be a lot more pain and suffering subjected
to animals if we ceased to exist. Our growth tells us that we play a
vital part in the community and we also try to enlighten people of
the effects of unwanted litters as sadly there is an imbalance in the
number of good homes and animals waiting to be adopted. We are almost
constantly filled to capacity with residents.
During an animals stay we endeavour to give it as much love and
individual attention as possible. We have a "puppy house",
an isolation unit for our new residents, individual pens for our
rabbits, exercise pens for the dogs and the design for our cat pens
means that they can be indoors our outdoors at their own will during
the day. All our resident dogs are walked at least twice a day. All
our animals pens are cleaned daily or more often if required. Upon
initial arrival, the animals are checked by our qualified resident
veterinary nurse/ manager who assesses their condition and if
appropriate are immediately taken to our Veterinary Centre. If they
need medical treatment which can be administered on site then this is
carried out. It is our policy that all our animals are fully
vaccinated and spayed/ neutered either whilst at the Sanctuary or (if
their stay is a very short one, and they are homed prior to any of
these treatments), the new owners are given a voucher for this to be
carried out at our cost. This way the monetary element has been taken
away from the new owner and we can effectively help to reduce the
unwanted population.
Animals are never put to sleep unless they are suffering and will not
recover. Once we take in an animal, it will remain with us until a
new home is found. As an example, we have a lovely collie with us
called Meg, who is sadly very untrusting of strangers and as a result
is in her second year with us. Once you gain her trust, she is a very
loving and loyal dog and is a firm favourite with the regular
volunteer walkers and workers.

North Clwyd Animal Rescue receives no state funding. We rely very
heavily on voluntary donations. We do have two charity shops which
help to bring in much needed regular revenue and with vets bills
topping £3000.00 per month our existence is becoming
increasingly financially difficult. We do charge a minimal
"adoption fee" for our animals which in most cases does not
even cover the Veterinary bill relating to that animal.
Visitors are always welcome during normal working hours. Such visits
are especially encouraged for Schools, Youth and Disabled Groups but
individuals are made equally welcome.
We forever need to approach individuals and companies who we hope
will financially assist. We do have a number of Open Days, sponsored
events and a regular newsletter for our members and any
company/companies who sponsor us for a particular event will be
mentioned in the literature relating to that event and on the day.
Alternatively, if a "one off' donation is received, we will give
credit to the company in our Newsletter which goes out to all our
subscribed members. |